
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Italian Beef Roast

From my Mother-In-Law. Oh so yummy!!

Italian Beef Roast
2-3 lb roast (the cheaper the better)
1 packet of ZESTY Italian dressing mix (make sure it's zesty or it won't taste right)
1 jar of pepperoncini, juice too
1 can of beef broth (I use the lower sodium because of the whole jar of peppers)

Throw all of this in the crock pot on low in the morning and it will be ready for supper time. I take out the peppers and toss them and open a new jar to have with my sandwich. NUMMY I serve it on Italian bread.

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Forewarning ~ This is NOT healthy!! :)

I have made this a few times recently for people, and then been begged for the recipe. :)

1 package of cream cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (I use sharp cheddar)
1 cup of Franks Red Hot
1 cup of ranch dressing
2 large cans of chicken (you know, the stuff that somehow still smells like tuna???)

Throw it all in the crock pot and wait for the cream cheese and cheddar to get all melty and ENJOY!!! Great with Tortilla chips or even in a tortilla shell as a roll up.

Fresh Salsa

Fresh Salsa

1 lb tomatoes; cored and chopped
1 jalapeno pepper; finely chopped
3 cloves garlic; finely chopped
1/2 red onion; finely chopped (are you noticing a pattern here??)
1 cup of cilantro; finely chopped (I LOVE cilantro, so I use more)
3 T. lime juice
1 T. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste.

If you didn't chop it finely enough, you could always throw it in the food processor. :)


One Skillet Lasagna

I never used to like lasagna, and I couldn't figure out why. I love pasta. I love red sauce. So what's the deal with lasagna. Then I finally figured out that it's because I don't like the cheese on top. I don't like cheese when it's been baked and starts to brown and you pick it up and like the whole thing comes with it. ICK! (Although it doesn't bother me with pizza?? Man I am a strange duck!)

Then, I found a recipe from The Pioneer Woman. It is FULL of cheese, however its all under the sauce. Brilliant!! I love lasagna now! It's so cheesy and melty and good. There are a few things I do differently, but you get the basics. It. Is. So. Good!

I will admit, that I am a lasagna cheater. I almost always use oven ready noodles. Why? Because I was interested once and tried it and found that I couldn't really tell the difference, so why not save me a step. Anyhoo.... I found a recipe for One Skillet Lasagna. It is a faster version of lasagna and you only dirty one pan. Whooo hooo! The recipe specifically recommends to NOT use oven ready noodles, but I did because that is all I had. I thought it turned out just fine, and everyone wanted seconds!

One Skillet Lasagna

oil for saute
1 medium onion
3 cloves garlic
1/4 t. red pepper flakes
1/2 t. salt
1 lb. ground hamburger (or any meat of your choosing)
10 lasagna noodles broken into pieces (uncooked)
3 cans of whole tomatoes (14.5 oz)
1 1/2 t basil
1 1/2 t. oregano
pepper to taste
1/2 c. mozzarella cheese
1/4 c. Parmesan cheese
1/2 c. Ricotta cheese

Place tomatoes in a blender and pulse for a few seconds.
Heat oil. Add onion and salt, satue until softened. Add garlic and red pepper flakes. Add meat and brown. (I recommend using lean meat, so that no draining is necessary so you don't lose all that yummy goodness.)

After meat is browned, place broken noodles on top. Pour tomatoes on top. Add basil, oregano and pepper. Cover and simmer 20 minuets or so until noodles are cooked. Add mossarella and Parmesan cheese. Stir gently until melted. Add ricotta cover to let it melt. Serve and Enjoy!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome to My Food Blog!

I love food! I love to look at it, cook it, read about it, talk about it, and of course eat it. When I was little, many days were spent in my Grandma's kitchen learning how to cook. Grandma rocked! She made all kinds of stuff, and she always let me help, even if it made a mess. She thought it was important that I learn to cook. I remember when I had just newly moved away from home, I called her up so excited because I made my first white sauce from scratch! That was a good day for me!

Unfortunately loving food can be a problem too. Liking it too much isn't a good thing. The purpose of this blog is balance. Loving food with out it being in control. I am committing myself (no, not like that! Although.....) to find balance and be healthy. I want to be a good example for my kiddos. I want my love of food to be a positive thing, and not something that takes over. I will be writing about food, posting recipes, mishaps, and just having fun. This is NOT a weight loss blog. There will be recipes that are anything but healthy, because I am a big believer in everything in moderation. If you want a cookie, have a cookie, but just have one. Not ten...

My goal also is to NOT. EAT. OUT. Not often anyway. It is far too easy to just run and grab something, especially when The Girl has kept me up lots at night and I am tired. I will find quick, healthy options at home versus running out. Money and calories will be saved! I hope this blog inspires non-cookers to become cookers! So let's get started! :)